On 13 July 10:00 – 13:00 (CEST) the READY4DC project partners welcomed more than 90 participants to an online event to present the project, its objectives and the progress achieved since the project kick-started!
Experts from T&D, Aachen University, Groningen University, ENTSO-E, WindEurope, TenneT, and the Supergrid Institute deep-dived into the concept of the project and shared updates from the different working groups gathering experts and energy professionals to discuss thematic issues linked to the development of an interoperable and expandable direct current grid (modelling and simulation framework; legal framework for a Multi-vendor HVDC; interoperability process and demonstration, etc).
The European Commission also attended the meeting and presented the high ambitions they have for the project, considering the major benefits it will bring to the grid to integrate renewable energy sources and thus achieve climate-neutrality.
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