READY4DC Deliverable 3.1 – Multi-vendor Interoperability Process and Demonstration Definition
March 2023
This paper outlines the joint perspectives of stakeholders across industry, research and academia on the criteria for the selection, the demonstration proposal as well as the functional specification process to achieve multi-terminal, multi-vendor interoperability.
READY4DC Deliverable 1.1 – Modelling, Simulation Framework and Data Sharing For Multi-terminal Multi-vendor HVDC Interaction Studies And Large-scale EMT Simulations
March 2023
This report summarises the work and the conclusions of the activities of the READY4DC Working Group 1 “Modelling and Simulation framework and data sharing for HVDC interaction studies and large scale EMT simulation”. .
READY4DC Deliverable 2.1 – Report on the State of the Art of Regulation and Legislation and Gap Analysis
February 2023
What are the main barriers to developing multi-vendor, multi-terminal HVDC grids?The READY4DC Working Group 2, led by RUG Rijks Universiteit Groningen, has identified the biggest gaps. You can read more on this in our latest publication, the Report on the State of the Art of Regulation and Legislation and Gap Analysis.
Are you READY4DC?
October 2022
The READY4DC project, supported by Horizon Europe, will create and engage with a community of experts that will assess and give recommendations on the major technical and legal aspects of designing and building an interoperable multi-vendor DC grid. The purpose is to lay the groundwork for the development of the first multi-terminal, multi-vendor HVDC project in Europe.