MAY 2023
Introduction of the report

Embracing Multi-Terminal and Multi-Vendor Aspects
In the quest for the future of high-voltage direct current (HVDC) networks, the integration of Multi-Terminal (MT) and Multi-Vendor (MV) elements stands as a crucial milestone. Understanding the significance of these aspects is paramount in realizing envisioned HVDC networks that are both eco-friendly and cost-effective.
Environmental and Cost Benefits of Multi-Terminal and Multi-Vendor DC Networks
Minimizing Infrastructure and Maximizing Efficiency
An MTMV DC network drastically reduces the need for submarine cables and onshore converter infrastructure compared to conventional point-to-point HVDC projects. This efficient concentration of offshore wind power capacity not only cuts transmission infrastructure but also accelerates the energy transition economically.
Enhancing Offshore Wind Energy Availability
MTMV solutions contribute to increased availability of offshore wind energy, resulting in reduced CO2 emissions and a higher share of renewable energy in the overall generation mix.
Practical Considerations for Uninterrupted Growth
Sustaining Competitive Environments
As DC networks expand incrementally, maintaining an open and competitive environment among vendors is essential for the uninterrupted growth of offshore wind power.
Facilitating Interoperability
Achieving multi-vendor interoperability is a key consideration to facilitate grid expansion and seamless integration of offshore wind power.
Technical Advantages of Multi-Terminal and Multi-Vendor Networks
Reliability, Security, and Operational Flexibility
Similar to onshore AC transmission systems structured as multi-terminal networks, MTMV networks provide enhanced reliability, security of supply, and operational flexibility, ultimately benefiting end consumers.
Financial Challenges and Accelerated Efforts
Building Bankable Multi-Terminal and Multi-Vendor HVDC Networks
Encouraging the construction of MTMV HVDC networks and enhancing their bankability presents a significant challenge that requires attention.
Accelerating European Efforts
European endeavors in MTMV HVDC systems must accelerate to support ambitious EU offshore goals.
Research and Innovation Projects: Paving the Way Forward
The MT and MV aspects of HVDC systems in Europe have been extensively explored through research and innovation projects, including BestPaths, MIGRATE, and PROMOTioN. While progress has been made in addressing various aspects of HVDC multi-vendor interoperability, substantial acceleration is needed to support the EU’s ambitious energy and climate objectives.
NSEC’s Offshore Wind Energy Targets: A Call for International Cooperation
In 2022, the North Seas Energy Cooperation (NSEC) countries pledged to achieve substantial offshore wind energy targets, emphasizing the need for international cooperation, coordinated planning, and the resilience of critical infrastructure. MTMV HVDC systems are indispensable in achieving these goals, and incentivizing investments in such systems is crucial for the European energy system’s future.
Unlocking Investments for a Sustainable Energy Future
This whitepaper delves into four key aspects: investment options and funding mechanisms, total investment volume, sustainability of the supply side, and the investment experience of decision-makers. Its goal is to propose a plan to unlock investments for the first full-scale multi-vendor HVDC system demonstration in Europe, contributing to a sustainable and efficient energy future.